Monday 23 September 2024

Reading Promotion Activity 2024


पी. एम. श्री केन्द्रीय विद्यालय  मुरादनगर


पठन प्रचार गतिविधि / Reading Promotion Activity




Under the PM SHRI (Pradhan Mantri Schools for Rising India) initiative, our school successfully organized Reading Promotion Activity from September 2024. This event was designed to foster a love for reading, enhance students' literary skills, and create a vibrant literary culture within the school. These activities featured a series of competitions; all aimed at encouraging students to explore literature, express their creativity, and develop critical thinking abilities.

Below is the detailed the activities:

1.  Story Telling Competition

The week commenced with the Story Telling Competition, which aimed to develop students' oral communication and narrative skills. The competition was conducted group wise for students from classes 3-5 and 6-8. Participants showcased their storytelling talents, drawing from a variety of sources such as folk tales, personal experiences, and original stories. The event was successful in boosting students' confidence, creativity, and public speaking abilities.




2.  Story Writing Competition

The following day, the Story Writing Competition was held for students from classes 6-8, organized class wise. This competition focused on enhancing creative writing skills, encouraging students to articulate their thoughts and imagination in written form. Participants crafted original stories, showcasing their ability to develop characters, construct narratives, and express ideas clearly and creatively. The event was instrumental in improving students' grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing proficiency.



3. Correct Words Per Minute Competition

The Correct Words Per Minute Competition was held for students from classes 3-8, organized class wise. This competition focused on assessing and improving students' reading fluency and accuracy. Participants were tested on their ability to read quickly while maintaining comprehension and accuracy. The event was effective in encouraging regular reading practice, which is crucial for enhancing literacy skills.

4. Complete the story

Complete the Story Competition was held for students from classes 6-8, organized class wise. This competition focused on enhancing creative writing skills, encouraging students to articulate their thoughts and imagination in written form. Participants crafted original stories, showcasing their ability to develop characters, construct narratives, and express ideas clearly and creatively. The event was instrumental in improving students' grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing proficiency.








Reading Promotion Activity under the PM SHRI initiative was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from all students. The competitions provided a platform for students to showcase their literary talents, improve their academic skills, and develop a lifelong love for reading. The week’s activities not only emphasized the importance of reading and writing but also helped create a vibrant literary culture within the school. Every student’s involvement contributed to the overall success of the event, making it a memorable and impactful experience for the entire school community.

Friday 20 September 2024

Complete Story

एकता मे शक्ति

 हिंद देश ... mmm mmm... हम सभी .... एक हैं ... तारा रा रा रा

भाषा अनेक हैं ... mmmm mmmm... भाषा अनेक हैं ....

यह अनेक क्या है दीदी ?

अनेक यानी बहुत सारे

बहुत सारे? क्या बहुत सारे ?

अच्छा, बताती हूँ

सूरज एक ...

चंदा एक .....

तारे अनेक ....

तारों को अनेक भी कहते हैं ?

नहीं नहीं !

देखो फिर से

सूरज एक , चंदा एक , एक एक एक करके तारे बने अनेक

ठीक से समझाओ ना दीदी

देखो देखो एक गिलहरी

पीछे पीछे अनेक गिलहरियाँ

एक तितली , ..... एक और तितली ......

एक एक एक करके हो गयी अब, अनेक तितलियाँ

समझ गया दीदी

एक ऊँगली , अनेक उंगलियाँ


दीदी दीदी वो देखो अनेक चिड़ियाँ ...

अनेक चिड़ियों की कहानी सुनोगे ....

हाँ हाँ

आ.. आ.. आ...

एक चिड़िया , एक एक करके अनेक चिड़ियाँ ..

दाना चुगने आयी चिड़ियाँ ...

सभी : दीदी हमें भी सुनाओ ना

तो सुनो फिर से ...

एक चिड़िया , अनेक चिड़ियाँ

दाना चुगने बैठ गयी थी ...

हाय राम , पर वहाँ ब्याध ने एक जाल बिछाया था ...

ब्याध , ब्याध कौन दीदी ?

ब्याध ... चिड़िया पकड़ने वाला

फिर क्या हुआ दीदी , ब्याध ने उन्हें पकड़ लिया , मार डाला ?

हिम्मत से गर जुटे रहे तो

छोटे हो पर , मिले रहे तो

बड़ा काम भी होवे भैया ..

बड़ा काम भी होवे भैया ..

एक ..दो ..तीन ..

चतुर चिड़ियाँ... , सयानी चिड़ियाँ...

मिलजुल कर , जाल ले कर , भागी चिड़ियाँ

फुर्र.. ररर ...

दूर , एक गाँव के पास , चिड़ियों के दोस्त , चूहे रहते थे

और उन्होंने , चिड़ियों का जाल काट दिया

तो देखा तुमने , अनेक जब एक हो जाते हैं तो कैसा मज़ा आता है

दीदी मैं बताऊँ ...

हो गए एक ...

बन गयी ताकत ..

बन गयी हिम्मत ...

दीदी अगर हम एक हो जाएँ तो बड़ा काम कर सकते हैं ?

हाँ हाँ , क्यों नहीं

तो इस पेड़ के आम भी तोड़ सकते हैं ?

हाँ , तोड़ सकते हैं , पर जुगत लगनी होगी ...

अच्छा , जुगत , वाह ... बड़ा मज़ा आयेगा ..

हिंद देश के निवासी सभी जन एक हैं , -2

रंग-रूप वेश-भाषा चाहे अनेक है -2

एक-अनेक ... एक-अनेक ...

सूरज एक , चंदा एक , तारे अनेक ,

एक तितली , अनेक तितलियाँ

एक गिलहरी , अनेक गिलहरियाँ

एक चिड़िया , एक एक ... अनेक चिड़ियाँ

बेला गुलाब जूही चंपा चमेली ..... -2

फूल हैं अनेक किन्तु माला फिर एक है ...-2

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Reasons Why Reading Books.......


Kendriya Vidyalaya O.F. Muradnagar

Reading Promotion Activity

Reasons Why Reading Books Should Be Part of Your Life


1. Knowledge Highway: Books offer a vast reservoir of knowledge on virtually any topic imaginable. Dive deep into history, science, philosophy, or explore new hobbies and interests.

2. Enhanced Vocabulary: Regular reading exposes you to a wider range of vocabulary, improving your communication skills and comprehension.

3. Memory Boost: Studies suggest that reading can help sharpen your memory and cognitive function, keeping your mind active and engaged.

4. Stress Reduction: Curling up with a good book can be a form of mental escape, offering a temporary reprieve from daily anxieties and a chance to unwind.

5. Improved Focus and Concentration: In today's fast-paced world filled with distractions, reading strengthens your ability to focus and concentrate for extended periods.

6. Empathy and Perspective: Stepping into the shoes of fictional characters allows you to develop empathy and gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives.

7. Enhanced Creativity: Reading exposes you to new ideas and thought processes, potentially sparking your own creativity and problem-solving skills.

8. Stronger Writing Skills: Immersing yourself in well-written prose can improve your writing style, sentence structure, and overall communication clarity.

9. Improved Sleep Quality: Swap screen time for a book before bed. The calming nature of reading can help you relax and unwind, promoting better sleep quality.

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Reading Promotion Activity Correct Word


Kendriya Vidyalaya O.F. Muradnagar

Reading Promotion Activity

Correct word








































Monday 9 September 2024

Story Writing


Write a Short Story in 7 Easy Steps


1.  Identify the focus of your short story. ...

2.  Start writing. ...

3.  Write a compelling beginning. ...

4.  Create a powerful ending. ...

5.  Read your story out loud. ...

6.  Edit and revise. ...

7.  Ask for feedback.